Women's Health

Hello, welcome! This is a women’s health web page. We work on bringing awareness to issues that affect women all over the world. We hope that if you're battling with something mentioned, you can find comfort here. Thank you for your visit!

Women's Physical Health Women's Mental Health Teens and Girls’ Health

Women's Physical Health

Cartoon photo of feminine products

Dangers of synthetic period products

I have dealt with heavy period flow and painful period cramping; my heavy flow often stained my bed and clothing when I wore synthetic period products (e.g, sanitary pads). Last year, I found that chemicals in sanitary period products can negatively affect women’s bodies. Cotton period products, such as tampons and pads, are usually covered in either foreign compounds called xenoestrogens (xeno = foreign) or endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Xenoestrogens, such as bisphenol A (BPA), act as oestrogens (women’s period and fertility hormones); these chemicals block oestrogen-production, which increases levels of circulating oestrogen that thickens the uterine lining. The thickening of the uterine lining causes more period cramps and heavier flows. After I found this out, I tried reusable pads and period underwear, both of which caused me to have less leakage and cramping. I want to bring awareness to this issue because I believe not many females are aware of the menstrual issues sanitary products can cause. I also hope more widespread knowledge of reusable products can reduce the amount of spending women usually have to do for synthetic period items.

Picture of what ovaries with PCOS look like

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

1 in every 10 women. That’s how many women suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This condition is a hormonal disorder that causes cysts on the ovaries, irregular periods, hirsutism, infertility, and much more. You most likely know someone who has it, or maybe you have it yourself. Even with the number of women with this condition, many people still don’t know about it. My goal is to educate those around me. This is because, at just 15 years old, I find myself being the one out of the ten. This condition wreaks havoc inside the bodies of sufferers; I've seen it in myself. I attribute my anxiety, depression, weight, and a good bit of physical characteristics to it. What can you do to learn more about the issue and help those who suffer from it? 1. Learn about the symptoms that PCOS women experience. 2. Know that PCOS affects everyone differently. 3. Don’t assume that just because someone looks a certain way, they are not trying their best. 4: Be understanding of the changes in behavior. 5. Support them in developing healthy habits. 6. Inform others. By taking charge with these steps, you can make a difference in the lives of many people.

Women's Mental Health

Animated image of woman getting surgery

Beauty Standards

As a child, a pivotal moment engraved vividly in my memory was turning on the TV after school, only to be bombarded by a parade of women celebrated for their beauty—none of whom resembled me. This message conveyed an unattainable standard of beauty that I struggled to conform to. Over time, I came to realize the distortion perpetuated by the media, which robbed me of a part of my childhood. So today, I'm determined to change this narrative so others never have to measure their worth by unrealistic standards. The influence of media, culture, and society shows a narrow view of beauty, often at the expense of diversity. Studies like Dove's "The Real Truth About Beauty: Revisited" reveal the detrimental effects, with 69% of women and 65% of girls perceiving the media as promoting an unattainable standard. Additionally, research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health shows that 47% of girls express a desire to alter their appearance, reflecting the internalized negativity bred by these standards. By challenging these standards and promoting inclusivity and self-acceptance, we can empower individuals to recognize their inherent worth beyond societal expectations, fostering a world where everyone feels valued for who they are.

image of woman stressed at work

Accommodations For Period Pain In The Workplace

Would you be comfortable telling your boss that you need to take off work because of period pain? If you answered no, you’re part of the large majority of women who feel like they can’t speak to their managers about needing time off for reasons related to period symptoms. Due to the stigma surrounding periods, many women aren’t comfortable speaking about them to others, even to healthcare providers. This is because of the fear of being shamed, since it’s a commonly shared experience among women. The fact that women expressed that 82% of employers did not make any accommodations for them feeds back into the idea that periods are something women should be quiet about when really it is a social issue. Resolving this problem requires us to speak up and advocate for ourselves. Raising awareness can help bring about changes in the workplace and encourage employers to consider our needs. Suffering in silence has never taken the pain away.

Image of a woman’s painted nails holding a child’s hand

Mental Health Within Pregnant Teens

Mental health should be a top priority for pregnant teenagers, as their brains are not fully developed and they may struggle to cope with the added stress of pregnancy. Studies show that adolescent mothers are at higher risk of suicide and substance abuse, making it essential to support them. While teenage pregnancy has positive outcomes, such as increased maturity and motivation to succeed, it's still crucial to acknowledge the risks associated with it and provide comprehensive education to help teenagers make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Additionally, teenage pregnancy has far-reaching implications for society, as teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school and rely on public assistance. Therefore, it's in society's best interest to provide support and resources to help teenage parents overcome the challenges they may face, ensuring every child has the best possible start in life.

Picture of the Trans flag

Safe spaces for trans women AND cis women.

The LGBTQIA community has faced oppression for years, even though we are more accepting and open-minded. Homophobia and transphobia are still issues, similar to sexism. While it has been several years since women gained rights, it still poses an issue. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I insist that we need a safe space for trans women and women in general. You might think that something like this is trivial, even pointless. “But those men will never be real women!” Statements like that are the exact things I want to erase from history; they are incredibly hurtful and just unnecessary. Trans women need the affirmation of “real” women so they can finally feel like they belong. That they are a “real woman." We, as sisters of Mother Earth, must be there to lift each other up, encourage one another, and most importantly, love and accept not only ourselves but others as well. Then soon, the whole world will be a safe space. But just like all grand things, we must start small.

Teens and Girls’ Health

black and white image of teens talking on couch

Safe Spaces For Teens To Discuss Mental Health

Teens' mental health has become increasingly concerning over the years. With social media, potential pressures from parents, school life, and the desire to discover who we are, feelings of anxiety and/or depression are bound to enter our lives at some point. According to a KFF analysis, “About 1 in 5 adolescents report symptoms of anxiety or depression.” And unsurprisingly, these mental disorders are more common among girls, LGBTQ+, and black teens. One of the best ways to help is by providing teens with much needed support. This support should come from not only trusted adults but also other teens. Having peers you can relate to creates a community and helps resolve feelings of loneliness. The place to start is at school. We should encourage our schools to create mental health groups targeted toward girls, LGBTQ+, and teens of color.

Black and white photo of a girl's silhouette

Importance of teens (mostly girls) knowing more about how their bodies operate/work.

Without our knowledge about how our bodies work, the whole world would change from how it is now. How? Well, in my opinion, if teen girls didn't know how their bodies work, it could make them feel really confused and embarrassed. They might not. understand why they're going through changes like periods or why they feel certain ways sometimes. This could make them feel bad about themselves and like they're the only ones going through it. Plus, the world would change its perspective on girls and women. in general. Women wouldn’t have most of the power they have today, like the right to vote, freedom of speech, and freedom to do what they want.Men would take women’s feelings for a joke, for they wouldn’t understand what was happening with their bodies because they could never experience it themselves. I think if people don't talk about these things openly, it could make girls think that they’re not important or that their feelings are something to be ashamed of. This could make it hard for girls to ask questions or get help when they need it. It might also make people think that girls aren't as capable or smart because they're not taught about important stuff, like their own bodies. Other than all these bad impacts, these impacts can have good advantages. As such, many women might take what they’re feeling as a way to explore their bodies and teach others more about them. Even men! It is important. for everyone to learn about their bodies, young or old.

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